I’m sick, and the only thing that makes me feel better is moaning about it

Cold and Flu tablets, tissues, orange juice and... garlic?

Cold and Flu tablets, tissues, orange juice and… garlic?

I remember when I was young and I would get sick.  My Mum would tuck me in to a little cocoon in my bed, blankets pressed right in with my arms at my side.  She would get a cold, wet flannel and place it on my head, and she would run her fingers through my hair as I drifted off to sleep.  As odd as it sounds, that touch, even though I was sick at the time, is one of my favourite sensory memories.

I have a cold, and it seems to have swept through my workplace like embers that have caught a gust of wind and set off a fiery path of destruction, annihilating everyone in its way.  Okay, I’m ill, and I naturally have a flare for the dramatic so those two things combined have probably made me a tad emotional with my writing.  That, or it’s the cold and flu medication.  Although, I find myself annoyed with the drug dealers of the world and blame them for the fact that cold and flu medication is no longer as effective as it used to be since they figured out you could make methamphetamine from it.

I was out walking on Saturday morning, and I can pin point the exact place my feet landed when I first sensed that I was getting a cold.  You know that tickle sensation you get?  It might be the shallowest of feelings, but you’re so in tune with your own body that you know the difference between hayfever and an oncoming cold.  Well, yes, I indeed experienced that feeling.  I returned home in the hopes that I was simply imagining it, however, my demise had already begun its twisted spiral into the depths of misery.  Okay, that too, was dramatic, what the heck have they put in these new fandangled cold and flu meds?!

Anyway, back to this pointless entry which in all honesty is being written to elicit your sympathy.  I went to work on Tuesday, and as chirpy and chipper as I try to be in the day, it sure is hard to be so when it feels like ants are doing the macarena inside ones right hand nostril.  Yes, when I get a cold apparently it likes to manifest on one side first.  So I felt a bit like Two-Face for a time, the left side was ready to party, but my right nostril was tickling, which then led to my eye leaking.   And that’s just awkward for everybody involved, when you’re trying to have a discussion with someone and your eye starts dribbling.  I’m pretty sure at least one person I saw yesterday thought I was crying.

And then there’s the sniffles.  You know when you have to keep sniffing in an attempt to haul any mucus that is trying to escape out of your nostril back in to its rightful place, but it seems to have formed a pact with gravity, determined to embarrass you at all costs.  I’m not even sure that anyone noticed it yesterday, or for the sake of my own pride I hope they didn’t, but there was one instance when I felt it touch my upper lip.  Yep.  That happened.

So, Imagine my delight when after going to bed last night, I opened my eyes this morning to find that it was the left-hand side’s turn.  Ugh.  Dear reader, sense the tone.  Anyway, it was much of the same today, like a mirrored groundhog day, except this day came with a special dose of headache, hurrah.  I found myself home early and on the couch, where I crashed out and woke in a puddle of my own sweat.  I don’t know about you, reader, but I’ve never felt sexier.  I won’t post a picture of myself right now, I’ll simply let your imagination conjure up its own masterpiece.

I’m going to sleep again soon, I feel exhausted.  I guess the cold really does take it all out of you.  I just wish my Mum was here to tuck me in to my little cocoon, place a cold flannel on my head and run her fingers through my hair as I drift off to sleep.


I’ve eaten two cloves of raw garlic this week.  Yep, popped one in and chewed it raw.  Garlic is hot as heck, but one of my Twitter friends suggested it to me.  I actually think it worked in clearing me out, and I felt like it made me feel a bit better on the first night so I went to sleep pretty easily.  When my cold symptoms came back on Sunday I tried it again but it wasn’t as effective and my breath stank.  Eww.  My question to you is, what do you do when you have a cold?  Do you have any tried and trusted remedies that works everytime?  Feel free to share!

Song of the day:

You Make Me Sick – P!nk

Added to the blog playlist, click below to check it out
