Bad things happen when Tom Hanks goes to sea

Remember Wilson?  Tom Hanks went crazy in that movie, Castaway, and had a bloody handprint on a deflated volleyball that he made into a face and he called it Wilson because that was the brand of ball it was.  Then he started talking to it and it became his best (and only) friend until they were separated at sea and he ends up calling “WILSON!!  I’M SORRY WILSON!”  I admit, I became a little teary eyed for poor old Wilson.  Then there was that movie he was in last year called Captain Phillips.  Great movie, but I really think nothing good can come of Tom Hanks going out to sea.My question to you today is…

If you were lost at sea, you get to choose three items that will magically wash up on your island because you willed the island Gods to make it happen.  What three items would you choose, and why?

Today sounds like… 

 In 2011 I discovered a great artist by the name of Moxiie who released her first independent EP, Jungle Pop that year.  The album contained the track, ‘Dancing In Dirt’ which I would love to have the pleasure of introducing you to if you are yet to hear it.

I love the beat here, her vocals remind me of the fantastic Wynter Gordon and this song was a standout for me on her EP.  You can listen to the song via Youtube below, and as always, grab it on the official blog playlist on Spotify.

 download (1)
‘Seven Degrees of Change’ now has a Spotify Playlist.  Click the logo on the right to access it on Spotify where you can find all of the previous ‘Today Sounds Like’ songs.  Don’t forget to hit the ‘Follow’ button in the app so you’ll get the all of the future additions automatically.